Monday, June 3, 2013

ANMonday - Heart

Hey ladies!
Today I'm back with another AN Monday post. Today's theme is heart.
I'm gonna be honest. The reason I chose "heart" as the theme for today is because it was my 6 year anniversary with my boyfriend on Saturday and I was going to incorporate a heart into my mani for Saturday anyway so I knew I'd be able to use that mani for AN Monday! ;) lol!

By the way, I'm so sorry but I only have iPhone photos of this mani to show you. :( We went out all day and by the time we got home it was dark outside so I couldn't take any 'real' photos. Also, my cuticles may look a bit dry in some of the photos because I snapped them as I was running out the door. Sorry! :(
On my thumb, pointer and pinky I've used Shades of Phoenix Aphrodite which is a gorgeous deep pink with holographic square glitters and a ton of holographic shimmer/glitter too. Sooooo beautiful and sparkly.

On my middle finger I've used Sally Hansen Celeb City as my base colour and then the heart is Zoya Blaze which I think goes with the SoP polish sooo well.

Lastly on my ring finger I've used OPI Stay the Night. I love using textures in mix and match/skittlette manicures!


  1. The heart is adorable, I looove the matte nail, and Aphrodite is so beautiful! I wish I could find more indie polish brands in Canada, it looks like the ones in Australia are amazing =(

    1. Thank you!! Aww I'm sure there's WAY more brands that you can get there, that I can't get here! :( haha. Some Canadian indies I know of are Tryst Lacquers and Mrs P's Nail Potions! You should check them out. :)
