Thursday, July 18, 2013

Stop The Press + Mint Candy Apple

Hello ladies. I have a quick-ish post about my NOTD (nails of the day) that I wore on Tuesday to share today. I usually take ages to post my NOTDs on here because I let them pile up but I didn't have anything ready to post today so...
I don't always share my NOTDs here on my blog because sometimes they're really plain/boring or colours I've already shown on my blog, or sometimes I just don't have time to photograph them before the sun goes down haha, but I almost always post a NOTD photo on my Instagram when it's not going to be on the blog so follow me there if you'd like to see more "behind the scenes" stuff haha.
Anyway, onto this NOTD... :)

For my base colour I've used Essie Mint Candy Apple, a super pretty minty green creme. It's more blue toned than China Glaze Re-fresh Mint which is one of my fave mints.
I've heard that this colour has a bad formula, but I found it to be quite nice! I only needed 2 coats and honestly there was minimal streaky-ness. I used 2 coats of this polish.

I topped Mint Candy Apple with Ulta3 Stop the Press, which is a new polish from their newly released "Glitterati" collection, made up of all sparkly and glitter shades.
Stop the Press is a clear base with black & white glitters. It's my new favourite black & white topper! :D Amazing, especially for only $2! If I see another bottle of it soon I will definitely be grabbing a back up or two! Haha. They also released a clear base with the black glitters only which I haven't tried yet but I'm sure I will soon. I've only seen this collection in one shop near me so they'll probably take a while to spread out to all of the shops that stock Ulta3. The glitters that were released around Christmas time only just started popping up everywhere near me!

Do you have a favourite black & white glitter topper? :)


  1. I am obsessed with black and white toppers right now. My favorite it Lush Lacquer's Salt N' Peppa! It has micro holographic glitter in it as well.

  2. I love this topper - it's nice to see a black and white topper without the bar glitters in it! Very cute layered over the green!

  3. Love this combination! Need that top coat.


  4. This is stunning! Mint and a topper like this is a gorgeous combo
