Saturday, October 12, 2013

Emily de Molly Seeing Red

Hi guys! Happy weekend, hope it's a great one :)

Last week the sun was showing itself a bit more and the weather warmed up a little, so I decided to swatch the only holo that was in my untrieds basket! I honestly don't really have many holos in my collection. I used to, but I went off them for a while, and sold most, because I got annoyed with the fact that most of them look ugly in the shade LOL. But I'm in love with them lately because they're just too pretty to resist. :)

This is Seeing Red by Emily de Molly. It's a red with a strong linear holographic sparkle. It sort of has a pink undertone also. This beauty was almost opaque in just one coat, but I did two of course, because I always do. Haha. I added top coat and it didn't dull the holo sparkle either, which is nice. :) I love that this one doesn't have a grey look in the shade, which many holographic polishes do. It just looks like a shimmery red in the shade.
Trust me that this polish is much more holo in person, my camera just sucks at picking it up. :(

This is the only holo I own by Emily de Molly and she has them in almost every colour you can think of. I definitely need some more of these in my life!

I can't wait to wear more holos in the summer time. :D
What are your favourite holographic polishes?! I would love to know.

Thanks for visiting ♥


  1. Ooooooh so pretty! I'll live through Winter on your Summer posts :D.

  2. Wow! I love this Holo Red! It's soo difficult to look for Holos in Colorado! I would really love to try this color!! I also love the clear quality of your photos!! Very professional!!
